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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

====== Google Summer of Code 2010 ====== [[|Etherboot Project]] is participating in [[|Google Summer of Code in 2010]]. Google has generously sponsored the following 3 students to work with us this summer. The application period for 2010 is now over. Here is our [[:soc:ideas|list of project ideas]] for reference. ===== Etherboot Project GSoC 2010 Students ===== ====== Piotr Jaroszyński: Usermode debugging under Linux ====== ---- \\ ^ Quick info ^^ | Timezone | | | Work hours | | | Weekly meeting | | | Primary mentor | | == Project pages == * [[.:peper:journal:|Journal]] * [[;a=summary|Git Repository]] * [[.:peper:project_plan:|Project Plan]] * [[.:peper:Notes:|Notes]] \\ ---- ====== Guo-Fu Tseng: Implement and Port Ethernet Drivers for gPXE ====== ---- \\ ^ Quick info ^^ | Timezone | | | Work hours | | | Weekly meeting | | | Primary mentor | | == Project pages == * [[.:cooldavid:journal:|Journal]] * [[;a=summary|Git Repository]] * [[.:cooldavid:project_plan:|Project Plan]] * [[.:cooldavid:Notes:|Notes]] \\ ---- ===== Etherboot Project GSoC 2010 Mentors ===== ==== Marty Connor: Project Leader, Etherboot Project ==== ---- \\ {{:soc:2008:mdc.jpg |Marty Connor}} Marty Connor is Project Leader of the [[|Etherboot Project]], a globally distributed team of developers and users of innovative network booting technology. He is the creator and maintainer of the [[|]] website which dynamically generates custom gPXE and Etherboot network boot images. Mr. Connor is also CEO of Entity Cyber, Inc., a technology consulting firm based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he has advised clients on technology matters for over 20 years. <html><br clear="all" /></html> \\ ---- ==== Stefan Hajnoczi: Software Engineer ==== ---- \\ {{:soc:2009:stefanha.jpg |Stefan Hajnoczi}} Stefan Hajnoczi is actively involved in the [[|Etherboot Project]], working in and around gPXE. A former Google Summer of Code student himself, he is motivated to help others enjoy the experience of contributing meaningful work to the open source community. <html><br clear="all" /></html> \\ ---- ==== John "Warthog9" Hawley: Linux Foundation, Chief Systems Administrator ==== ---- \\ {{:soc:2009:warthog9.jpg?135x155 |John "Warthog9" Hawley}} John "Warthog9" Hawley is a jack of all trades, programmer, sysadmin, crazy man and rabble rouser. Currently working for the [[|Linux Foundation]] on assignment to [[|]] as their Chief Systems Administrator. He's worked on as a primary sysadmin for numerous years, created [[|PXE Knife]] a network & cd bootable cd of useful utilities, maintains a set of [[;a=summary|GeoIP]] based patches for the Bind name server, and probably more random things than he is going to remember. John has exciting commentary on BitTorrent as a distribution mechanism, has been known to disagree strongly with the views of billionaires and cook extravagant meals then subject his friends to "bad" or b-rate movies (some of which even grace the event with clarinet music). <html><br clear="all" /></html> \\ ---- ==== H. Peter Anvin: Senior Kernel Engineer, Intel, Inc. ==== ---- \\ {{:soc:2008:hpa.jpg |H. Peter Anvin}} H. Peter Anvin has been hacking Linux since 1992. He is the author and maintainer of the [[|SYSLINUX]] suite of bootloaders, part of the Linux kernel x86 architecture maintainer team, and author or maintainer of a large number of Open Source projects, including the Netwide Assembler, klibc and tftp-hpa. He is the founder and president of the Linux Kernel Organization, operators of [[|]], the Linux kernel website. He lives in San Jose, California, and works for Intel, Inc. <html><br clear="all" /></html> \\ ----


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