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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

====== Pxeknife integretion with pxeknife ====== ===== Plan ===== provide pxe images/rom/nic with gpxe script embedded. This script will connect to pxeknife server to get boot loader. ===== Implementation ===== In file rom-o-matic/build.php the image is compiled by following command <code> make -C '$dir' '$target' </code> I have modified it to compile with embedded image by modifying above code with <code> make -C '$dir' EMBEDDED_IMAGE=./pxeDHCP.gpxe '$target' </code> the script //./pxeDHCP.gpxe// contains following code <code> #!gpxe echo "Hi, We will be using PXEKnife from URL" echo "It is assumed that you have dhcp networking" dhcp net0 set 209:string /pxeknife.cfg/default set 210:string echo "Here we go" chain </code> The code is hosted at url [[]] ===== Problems ===== When I boot using qemu with following command <code> qemu -fda gpxe-git-e1000.dsk </code> I get following error <code> no such interface: net0 </code> and booting fails :-(. I also tried with gpxe-git-3c509-eisa.dsk but same result.\\ But when I compile the the gpxe with same script and no target, it works fine <code> make EMBEDDED_IMAGE=./ </code>


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