Problems faced in HTTPFS

I am following the exaple given at and code used is downloaded from

What I am trying to do is

  1. mount the dsl.iso which is on webserver on directory called test (this works fine)
  2. Check the content of directory. It should contain dsl.iso (even it works fine)
  3. mount this test/dsl.iso somewhere else (this does not work)


I am able to mount but the problem I am facing is that file is mounted as nosuid,nodev, which does not allow further mounting.

$ $ ./httpfs ./test
$ mount
httpfs on /home/pravin/Etherboot/v2/httpfs/test type fuse.httpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,user=pravin)

$ sudo losetup /dev/loop0 ./test/dsl.iso 
./test/dsl.iso: Permission denied

$ sudo mount -o loop,ro ./test/dsl.iso mpoint/
./test/dsl.iso: Permission denied

$ sudo losetup -f

$ sudo losetup -r /dev/loop0 ./test/dsl.iso
./test/dsl.iso: Permission denied
$ sudo losetup -f
$ lsmod | grep loop
loop                   23052  0 


Problem was that ./httpfs was not executed as root because of which there were problems Finally, following solution worked

$ sudo su -

# ./httpfs ./test

# mount
httpfs on /home/pravin/Etherboot/v2/httpfs/test type fuse.httpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)

# losetup -r /dev/loop0 ./test/dsl.iso

# mount -t iso9660 /dev/loop0 ./mpoint/

# mount
httpfs on /home/pravin/Etherboot/v2/httpfs/test type fuse.httpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)
/dev/loop0 on /home/pravin/Etherboot/v2/httpfs/mpoint type iso9660 (ro)


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