Lynus Vaz: Enhanced scripting language
I've taken a few ideas from Fabrice Bellard's C OTCC compiler:
Also looking at bash
Here's the POSIX specification for the shell:
And the PXE specification:
Proposed syntax:
LINES => LINE '\n' LINES | e LINE => WORD | WORD WS ARG_LIST | e ARG_LIST => ARG WS ARG_LIST | e ARG => WORD SP => ' ' | '\t' WS => SP | SP WS NOT_EXP => (any - { SP, '$(', ')', '${', '}') /* Represents characters not expanded */ WORD => NOT_EXP WORD | EXP WORD | NOT_EXP | EXP EXP => EXPR_EXP | VAR_EXP /* Expansions */ EXPR_EXP => '$(' EXPR ')' VAR_EXP => '${' (any - { '}' })+ '}' EXPR => TERM | TERM BIN_OP EXPR | MONO_OP EXPR TERM => VAR_EXP | STRING NUM => ('+' | '-' )? ( '(' EXPR ')' | (digit)+ ) STRING => (any - { '$(', ')', '${', '}', ' ', BIN_OP, MONO_OP})+ /* This will help with string comparison */ BIN_OP => '*' | '/' | '%' /* Convert both operands to integers */ | '+' | '-' | '<<' | '>>' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | '!=' | '==' /* Should also work for strings */ | '&' | '|' | '^' | '&&' | '||' MONO_OP => '~' | '!'
Syntax for if-else branches:
if <condition> <statements> [ else <statements> ] fi
Proposed syntax for while loops:
while <condition> do <statements> done
Proposed syntax for for loops:
for <variable> in <value list> do <statements> done
Pretty similar to the shell syntax, so it should be familiar.