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August 3: Stefan had a few radical suggestions on the quoting code: * Having a sentinel to mark the end of each parsing table. This avoids passing in the length to the expand_string() function. * Reducing the number of cases in the expand_string() function. This would reduce the number of fields in the parsing table strcuture. The first one was pretty simple to do. Now, the second one needed some effort. I went through the code and realised that the four cases I had could be reduced to two: one to stop parsing at a given token, and the other to call another function. This could be done because only quotes are handled using recursion, and they have consistent behaviour. Since this represents a change from previous methods, I've put it in another branch: [[;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/scripting_test_parse|scripting_test_parse]], and the commits are: * [[;a=commit;h=3782e478e0f1206b7abbde296d0c904e3dbc2768|Modified quoting]] * [[;a=commit;h=ed727e23f17957886e7d03282732a95f1accebc2|Simplified expand_string()]]