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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

====== Michael Decker: Driver Development ====== ===== Journal ===== Throughout my development efforts here with the Etherboot project, I've maintained a journal. You'll find details of my progress, notable considerations, and links to my commits. Or you can jump straight to my working branch [[;a=shortlog;h=drivers4|shortlog]]. * [[week4|Week 4]] ∋ {16 June, ... } * [[week3|Week 3]] ∋ {10 June, ..., 15 June} * [[week2|Week 2]] ∋ {04 June, ..., 08 June} * [[week1|Week 1]] ∋ {26 May, ..., 01 June} * [[week0|Week 0]] ∋ {19 May, 20 May}


* [[:start|Home]] * [[:about|About our Project]] * [[:download|Download]] * [[:screenshots|Screenshots]] * Documentation * [[:howtos|HowTo Guides]] * [[:appnotes|Application Notes]] * [[:faq:|FAQs]] * [[:doc|General Doc]] * [[:talks|Videos, Talks, and Papers]] * [[:hardwareissues|Hardware Issues]] * [[:mailinglists|Mailing lists]] * [[|Bugtracker]] * [[:contributing|Contributing]] * [[:editing_permission|Wiki Edit Permission]] * [[:wiki:syntax|Wiki Syntax]] * [[:contact|Contact]] * [[:relatedlinks|Related Links]] * [[:commerciallinks|Commercial Links]] * [[:acknowledgements|Acknowledgements]] * [[:logos|Logo Art]]

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