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soc:2008:balajirrao:project_plan:start [2008/05/23 10:40]
soc:2008:balajirrao:project_plan:start [2008/06/13 03:30] (current)
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 I propose to follow the Linux Kernel model here - to split the device driver into a generic driver and a device specific mini driver. ​ I propose to follow the Linux Kernel model here - to split the device driver into a generic driver and a device specific mini driver. ​
-UCHI controller support will be done first. EHCI support is seen as a stretch goal.+UCHI controller support will be done first. EHCI support is seen as a later (stretch ​?) goal.
 ==== Milestones ==== ==== Milestones ====
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 Here's a rough timeline. ​ Here's a rough timeline. ​
-=== Week 1, 2 & 3 === +=== Week 1, 2 === 
-  * Complete the USB protocol implementationSoftware interface between layers of the USB stack is now well defined.+  * Write a PCI driver fpr UHCI controllerWrite support for control and bulk urbs.
-=== Week 4 & 5 === +=== Week 3, 4=== 
-  * Add support ​for UHCI host controller.+  * Write a driver ​for dm9601 usb ethernet adapter. Factor out generic USB networking code out of dm9601 and write a pegasus usbnet driver.
-=== Week === +=== Week === 
-  * Implement ​the generic USB NIC driverWrite a minidriver for dm9601 (Davicom USB Ethernet Adapter 9601).+  * Clean up and sanitize ​the uhci sourceThis includes proper lifecycle management of urbs and correct error handling across all control paths.
-=== Week 8 and hence ===+=== Week 7, & 9 === 
 +  * Write a PCI driver for EHCI controller along with schedule management code.
-  ​Implement EHCI controller supportmini drivers for more NICs. Testing and performance ​optimization ​of the USB stack.+=== Week 10 and hence === 
 +  ​Debugging, optimization ​etc.


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