I will also be selecting the EDAC modules for my kernel, as I need them for error checking of the DIMMS.

Under “Device drivers –>EDAC” :

  --- EDAC - error detection and reporting (EXPERIMENTAL)
       *** Reporting subsystems ***
  [ ]   Debugging
  <*>   Main Memory EDAC (Error Detection And Correction) reporting
  <M>     AMD 76x (760, 762, 768)
  <M>     Intel e7xxx (e7205, e7500, e7501, e7505)
  <M>     Intel e752x (e7520, e7525, e7320) and 3100
  <M>     Intel 82875p (D82875P, E7210)
  <M>     Intel 82975x (D82975x)
  <M>     Intel 3000/3010
  <M>     Intel 82860
  <M>     Radisys 82600 embedded chipset
  <M>     Intel Greencreek/Blackford chipset
  <M>     Intel San Clemente MCH

For this document, I need the MPTSAS sas drivers, TG3 network card, lsmod shows the following modules loaded. ide-cd sd_mod scsi_mod af_packet bluesmoke_k8 bluesmoke_mc tg3

make modules_install


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