Week 6

Wednesday and Thursday, July 2 and 3rd

Completed the asix driver. It works only for D-Link DUB-E100 but not for the Belklin gigabit adapter though both share the same tx/rx routines. They differ only in the initialization part. So obviously I have screwed the initialization part somehow :(

Commits : [USB] asix USB driver ready. Works only with DLink DUB E 100 but not with Belklin F5D055 gigabit adapter.

Tuesday, July 1st

Work began on writing asix driver. Its not as simple as pegasus though. It handles both Gigabit and Fast Ethernet adapters. The probe part of the driver is ready. MAC address is read properly :)

Commits : [USB] Added asix driver. Only probe function written. MAC address read successfully.

Monday, June 30th

Completed the pegasus driver. Belklin FSD050 USB Ethernet adapter now usable. Began writing the asix driver. With that a D-Link Adpater and one Belklin FD055 would be usable.

Commits : [USB] pegasus driver completed. Works. Tested with QEMU.


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