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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

====== Google Summer of Code 2006 ====== [[|Etherboot Project]] participated in [[|Google Summer of Code in 2006]]. Google generously sponsored 4 students to work on the following projects: ===== Alan Shieh: UNDI driver for Linux ===== [[soc:2006:alanshieh|Project page]] ===== Derek Pryor: Secure gPXE Booting ===== [[soc:2006:derekpryor|Project page]] Derek Pryor worked on adding secure connections and data integrity checking to gPXE so that the network boot process can be trusted. ===== Nikhil Chandru Rao: Redesign the TCP/IP stack implementation in gPXE to provide support for IPv6 ===== [[soc:2006:nikhilcrao|Project page]] Nikhil Chandru Rao worked on adding IPv6 support to gPXE. ===== Fredrik Hultin: Command Line ===== [[soc:2006:fredrikhultin|Project page]] Fredrik Hultin worked on a command-line for gPXE allowing users to interactively control the boot process.


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