Windows Server 2003 boot from SAN

Windows Server 2003 supports booting from either an iSCSI or AoE SAN. You cannot install directly to the SAN target; you must first install Windows Server 2003 to a physical disk.


Start by installing Windows Server 2003 to a physical disk. It is best to use an external USB, FireWire, or eSATA disk; this will make later stages easier.

When installing, use a small partition (around 4GB) rather than the whole disk. At the partitioning screen:

Windows Server 2003 setup

press C to create a partition and enter 4096 as the size (in MB). You should then see a screen that looks like:

Windows Server 2003 after partitioning

You can now press Enter to install Windows Server 2003 to this partition. The rest of the installation will proceed as normal.

Preparation for SAN boot

Now you must select whether you will use iSCSI or AoE as your SAN technology:


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