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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

**This is heavily WIP as long this note is here** ====== Ubuntu 9.04 (jaunty jackalope) ====== (this howto is based on the Debian Etch iSCSI howto with some major changes) ===== Introduction ===== If you are experienced with ubuntu and initramfs / initrd creation you can install ubuntu directly onto the iscsi target using the desktop (i386 or amd64) install CD (more on that later). The alternate install disk is not capable of installing additional packages at runtime, because of the limitations of the busybox environment. If you have the possibility it is more comfortable to install ubuntu onto a local HDD, USB stick or whatever and boot into the installed system after that. ===== Preparations ===== This howto is based on the following assumptions: * a base debian etch with all the security updates * the system is installed on a single partition ”/” on /dev/sda1 * there is an already done iscsi target on an iscsi server * there is a working dhcp server


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