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==== Opensolaris direct install iscsi ==== * Documentation can be found here: === Prerequisites === * A Solaris Express Community Edition (SXCE) Build 104 or later DVD === How to Install === * Create an empty disk and expose over iSCSI * Make sure the DVD-ROM is activated as second boot device (in bios) * During install choose the Solaris Interactive mode (default). * Once the network configuration is done, exit the installer (go to a shell) * Use the iscsiadm command to connect your iSCSI Target ==for static config:== # iscsiadm add static-config iqn,target-ip:port # iscsiadm modify discovery -s enable ==for send targets== # iscsiadm add discovery address <target-ip> # iscsiadm modify discovery -t enable ===Find out the disk name: cXdXtX=== # iscsiadm list target -S * If the Device OS name is not specified, try: # devfsadm -i iscsi ===Continue the installation==== * run: # install-solaris * The installer should continue, and the iscsi disk should be available * After specifying the target LUN, type install-solaris. When the install wizard appears, select Next to resume the installation. === Successfully tested === * Opensolaris SXCE build 129 was successfully installed, on a system using a Realtek 8168 NIC === Known issues ==== * I tried to create an image of this disk, to deploy new clients. For some reason if the target IQN is changing I can't boot anymore.


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