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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

====== Hardware Issues ====== This page contains some issues that people had while using gpxe. ===== 3Com 3C905-TX Card ===== This card is known to not support gpxe while using the MBA v4.0. ==== Symptoms ==== gPXE loads, negociate the link speed but the DHCP doesn't grab any valid adress even if the DHCP server make an offer. This is due to a buggy PXE rom, this usually happens on the MBA (Master Boot Agent) v4.0. ==== How to Fix ==== 3com deliver a firmware upgrade and can be downloaded [[|here]]. This file have to be decompressed and run in a real dos mode. Then run //mbaflash.exe// If you don't have any dos system or floppy (this become more & more rare theses days), you can use this [[|floppy disk image]]. Then add an entry in your pxelinux configuration file like : LABEL flash KERNEL memdisk APPEND dos.img The //dos.img// file must be put, in this example, at the root path of your tftp server. Then boot your PXE and call the //flash// entry. The freedos environment loads and then call //mbaflash.exe// === After upgrading === The MBA version is now upgraded to v4.30, gpxe can now be loaded.


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