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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

====== Booting Windows XP SP2 over SMB ====== Windows XP SP2's RIS support allows for it to boot entirely over SMB. ===== Setup the Share ===== ===== Copy a Windows XP SP2 Installation ===== Install a fresh Windows XP SP2 installation on the target computer (perhaps a VM). For best results, make it a pretty vanilla (plain) install by choosing default options as much as possible. Make sure to install the NIC. This will populate **C:\Windows\Inf\** with the ***.INF** file (perhaps as **OEM*.INF**) as well as copy the ***.SYS** driver into **C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\**. Once installed, use Device Manager and __un-install__ the NIC. Be careful of the NIC re-installing on reboots. You want to make sure it is un-installed before copying this Windows installation into the SMB share. ===== Modify the Directory Structure =====


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