[gPXE] etherboot and WDS

Shao Miller Shao.Miller at yrdsb.edu.on.ca
Sun Jan 17 14:34:42 EST 2010

James wrote:
> > - You noted that Etherboot failed to offer an ARP response.  Do you
> > achieve different results when you statically map the MAC to the IP for
> > the client on the server?  You can use the 'arp -?' command in Windows
> > to read about using 'arp -s' to assign such a mapping.
> >
> Did not try.

I'd still be interested in your Etherboot results after a static ARP 
entry on the server.  It's great that you've found that gPXE can meet 
your needs, after all.  Perhaps it wouldn't be worth the time to 
investigate the Etherboot incompatibility any further; obviously up to you.

> So whatever this "fix-up" is didn't happen correctly.

The "fix-up" might be happening, but you could be suffering from some 
other problem, such as discussed above.

I appreciate all of the detail you've provided; it's great reference 
material for future inquiries of the same nature!

- Shao Miller
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