[gPXE] sanboot failed for intel motherboard - s3200sh

Aclhk Aclhk aclhkaclhk at ymail.com
Tue Feb 9 22:40:56 EST 2010

I have tested kernel-xen on iscsi boot on other machine (very different configuration) without problem.

--- 2010年2月10日 星期三,Aclhk Aclhk <aclhkaclhk at ymail.com> 寫道﹕

寄件人: Aclhk Aclhk <aclhkaclhk at ymail.com>
主題: Re: [gPXE] sanboot failed for intel motherboard - s3200sh
收件人: "Shao Miller" <Shao.Miller at yrdsb.edu.on.ca>
副本(CC): gpxe at etherboot.org
日期: 2010年2月10日,星期三,上午3:30

thank you for your advice. the boot code was installed to local hdd without notice. after the local hdd was removed before installation, iscsi boot was ok.

i have another question. the booting stopped for kernel-xen and ok for normal kernel. attached is the screen capture.

booting kernel-xen using local hdd is ok.

pls advise.

--- 2010年2月9日 星期二,Shao Miller <Shao.Miller at yrdsb.edu.on.ca> 寫道﹕

寄件人: Shao Miller <Shao.Miller at yrdsb.edu.on.ca>
主題: Re: [gPXE] sanboot failed for intel motherboard - s3200sh
收件人: "Aclhk Aclhk" <aclhkaclhk at ymail.com>
副本(CC): gpxe at etherboot.org
日期: 2010年2月9日,星期二,下午3:30

Aclhk Aclhk wrote:

        i have install centos 5.4-64bit. I followed your
instruction to install the diag MBR.


sanboot iscsi:

Registered as BIOS drive 0x80

Booting from BIOS drive 0x80

L D80 C3FF HFF S3F P1 O0000003F M0000 E00


the booting then stopped.

Thanks to T. J. who produced this diagnostic MBR, we can easily see
that your boot-sector at sector 63 (O...3F) for your active partition
has no magic (M0000 instead of MAA55).  I'd bet there's no boot-code
installed on your active partition's boot-sector.  Is this what you
were expecting?

- Shao Miller




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