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====== Get PXE Knife working with QEMU over HTTP ====== I am taking similar approach as I took for TFTP for which QEMU + PXE Knife combination is working if I use qemu TFTP stack. Here are the things that are working for me. <code> qemu -net nic -net user -fda ./gpxe.dsk -bootp /pxelinux.0 -tftp /home/myname/for_pxe_knife/ </code> which boots pxe-knife over tftp and <code> qemu -fda gpxe.dsk -net nic -net user -bootp </code> boots gtest.gpxe which is copy of [[]].\\ But when I try and use HTTP with qemu over pxe_knife which is based on __pxelinux__, it does not work. <code> qemu -fda gpxe.dsk -net nic -net user -bootp </code> It is getting stuck in same way as QEMU + PXELinux + TFTP combination is getting stuck. It loads pxelinux.0 successfully, but fails in loading //pxeknife/default// file with error <code> Trying to load: pxelinux.cfg/default Unable to locate configuration file </code>

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