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soc:2009:oremanj:journal:week12 [2009/08/15 01:36]
soc:2009:oremanj:journal:week12 [2009/08/15 01:36] (current)
Line 109: Line 109:
   wireless ​              ​History (superseded by wireless-pretty)   wireless ​              ​History (superseded by wireless-pretty)
   fwtrans ​               Academic interest (load files over firewire debug link)   fwtrans ​               Academic interest (load files over firewire debug link)
-<!-- Just for fun: applied all my topic branches in one branch, rebased out all my stuff in another, and compared the LOC in non-driver .c files between the two and plain master (with just the first 802.11 stuff in). The counts: 73543 without any of my stuff, 76602 in current master, 83160 with all my branches merged in. --> 
 And so we go, again. And so we go, again.
 Thank you to everyone who's made this summer great, and I hope to be able to continue contributing! :-) Thank you to everyone who's made this summer great, and I hope to be able to continue contributing! :-)

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