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====== Burning a gPXE ROM to Intel gigabit (e1000) cards ====== ===== Preparing the tools ===== Download and save the two files: * A FreeDOS boot disk, [[|dosboot.img]] * Intel's [[|PROBOOT.exe]] Run //PROBOOT.exe//. This is a Windows application; if you don't have a Windows installation available then you should be able to run it under Linux using [[|Wine]]. //PROBOOT.exe// will extract several files to the directory //C:\Intel12.3//; the single file you want is //C:\Intel12.3\IBAUtil.exe//. Copy //IBAUtil.exe// to the FreeDOS boot disk: mcopy -i dosboot.img /path/to/IBAUtil.exe :: where ///path/to/IBAUtil.exe// is the path to your extracted copy of //IBAUtil.exe//. Copy your gPXE ROM image to the FreeDOS boot disk: cd gpxe/src mcopy -i dosboot.img bin/pci_8086_107c.img :: where //bin/pci_8086_107c.img// is the gPXE ROM image you have built for your network card.