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winbootibft [2006/09/19 20:03]
winbootibft [2006/09/20 06:17] (current)
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 ====== Decoding the iSCSI Boot Firmware Table ====== ====== Decoding the iSCSI Boot Firmware Table ======
-Representatives of Microsoft have recently raised objections to the publication of information describing the iSCSI Boot Firmware Table (iBFT). ​ The iBFT is a data structure used when Windows is booted from an iSCSI disk hosted on a remote computer, or on an iSCSI network-attached storage (NAS) box.+Representatives of Microsoft have recently raised objections to the publication of information describing the iSCSI Boot Firmware Table (iBFT). ​ The iBFT is a data structure used when Windows is booted from an iSCSI disk hosted on a remote computer, or on an iSCSI network-attached storage (NAS) box; a high-level overview is published by Microsoft at http://​download.microsoft.com/​download/​5/​b/​9/​5b97017b-e28a-4bae-ba48-174cf47d23cd/​STO026_WH06.ppt.
 The Microsoft representatives seem to have taken the position that the details of this table are confidential,​ and that anyone with knowledge of its structure must have been privy to information covered by a non-disclosure agreement. The Microsoft representatives seem to have taken the position that the details of this table are confidential,​ and that anyone with knowledge of its structure must have been privy to information covered by a non-disclosure agreement.


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