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soc:start [2010/03/18 11:43]
soc:start [2011/05/22 04:49] (current)
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 ==== For information about a specific year please choose below: ==== ==== For information about a specific year please choose below: ====
 +  * [[soc:​2011:​]]
 +  * [[soc:​2010:​]]
   * [[soc:​2009:​]]   * [[soc:​2009:​]]
   * [[soc:​2008:​]]   * [[soc:​2008:​]]
   * [[soc:​2007:​]]   * [[soc:​2007:​]]
   * [[soc:​2006:​]]   * [[soc:​2006:​]]
 ==== Where to find us ==== ==== Where to find us ====
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 Our mentors for Summer of Code (with their IRC nicknames) are: Our mentors for Summer of Code (with their IRC nicknames) are:
   * Marty Connor [''​mdc''​] (Project Leader, Developer, Etherboot Project)   * Marty Connor [''​mdc''​] (Project Leader, Developer, Etherboot Project)
-  * Michael Brown [''​mcb30''​] (Lead Developer, Etherboot Project) 
-  * H. Peter Anvin [''​hpa''​] (Project Leader, Lead Developer, Syslinux Project) 
-  * John Hawley [''​warthog9''​] (Chief Systems Administrator,​ kernel.org) 
   * Stefan Hajnoczi [''​stefanha''​] (Developer, Etherboot Project)   * Stefan Hajnoczi [''​stefanha''​] (Developer, Etherboot Project)
-  * Shao Miller ​[''​sha0''​] (Developer, Etherboot Project) +  * Gene Cumm [''​genec''​] (Contributor, Etherboot Project)
-  * Joshua Oreman [''​rwcr''​] (Developer, Etherboot Project) +
-  * Thomas Miletich [''​meteger''​] (Developer, Etherboot Project)+
 You can reach the mentors directly via e-mail using <​soc-mentors@etherboot.org>​. ​ There is also the [[https://​etherboot.org/​mailman/​listinfo/​gpxe|gPXE mailing list]] (you must subscribe before posting). You can reach the mentors directly via e-mail using <​soc-mentors@etherboot.org>​. ​ There is also the [[https://​etherboot.org/​mailman/​listinfo/​gpxe|gPXE mailing list]] (you must subscribe before posting).


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