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soc:2011:pcmattman:journal:week4 [2011/06/17 02:01]
pcmattman day 4 log
soc:2011:pcmattman:journal:week4 [2011/06/17 06:28] (current)
pcmattman day 5 journal entry
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 Maintenance at work this evening and some other issues with hardware at work turned this evening into a write-off for gPXE work. Maintenance at work this evening and some other issues with hardware at work turned this evening into a write-off for gPXE work.
 +==== Day 5 (June 17) ====
 +Looked at merging and rearranging some commits today ready for submission upstream for testing. After a few hours of dealing with conflicts and continuously breaking builds I've decided to wait a bit and work on the merging some time later. I really need to figure out how best to work from now on so merging and rearranging for upstream won't be so painful in the future. I'm almost certain I won't be able to avoid rearranging and merging altogether, as there'​s always some small bugfix later on which should be able to be merged with the original feature'​s commit, so I need to get this workflow working in a way that doesn'​t mean each upstream merge involves hours of work.


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