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soc:2011:meteger:journal:week10 [2011/07/31 06:05]
soc:2011:meteger:journal:week10 [2011/07/31 06:20] (current)
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 Again more work on the RX ring handling, which is now implemented in a way I think it should work. I discovered some sort of memory corruption issue that freezes gPXE on all test machines when certain packets are received, and tried to debug this issue. Again more work on the RX ring handling, which is now implemented in a way I think it should work. I discovered some sort of memory corruption issue that freezes gPXE on all test machines when certain packets are received, and tried to debug this issue.
 +====== Day 4 ( July 28 ) ======
 +Debugging obscure freeze issue. I found out that the card doesn'​t freeze if I set the data length field to 0 in the rx descriptor. It freezes if I use the expected value(1536 bytes). It also freezes on packet RX if I don't allocate any io_buffers and leave the DMA addresses to 0, when the length field is 1536.
 +This happens if I connect the test machine to my development workstation,​ and do a DHCP request on the _workstation_,​ so gPXE receives a DHCP request. I did this as a test and gPXE freezes as soon as the packets leave the wire on the workstation. It does neither freeze, nor properly receive packets when connected to a real DHCP server that responds with a DHCP offer through a switch.


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