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soc:2010:peper:journal:week3 [2010/06/10 12:28]
peper created
soc:2010:peper:journal:week3 [2010/06/14 16:26] (current)
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 Details of the implementation will follow in the notes soon. Details of the implementation will follow in the notes soon.
 +==== Milestone reached ====
 +Josh did a thorough review of the codebase (thanks again!), which resulted in all kinds of changes including asm style, some refactoring and also two bigger new things:
 +  * [linux] Add linux platform skeleton - simple linker scripts for the libc-free linux platform
 +  * [linux] Add console - proper console support
 +Details coming to notes.
 +With the issues resolved Josh said pretty much everything essential is done and hence the project is ready for a wider audience. Thus a [[http://​etherboot.org/​pipermail/​gpxe-devel/​2010-June/​000345.html|call for feedback]] was sent to -devel.


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