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soc:2010:peper:journal:week10 [2010/07/26 15:44]
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soc:2010:peper:journal:week10 [2010/07/31 15:13] (current)
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 ==== drivers in userspace ==== ==== drivers in userspace ====
 +=== The big issue ===
 There is one thing that keeps bugging me in the [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​peper/​gpxe.git;​a=shortlog;​h=refs/​heads/​drivers|drivers branch]] - UIO-DMA and malloc. There is one thing that keeps bugging me in the [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​peper/​gpxe.git;​a=shortlog;​h=refs/​heads/​drivers|drivers branch]] - UIO-DMA and malloc.
 UIO-DMA does the DMA mappings on a per device basis (as does kernel). I am UIO-DMA does the DMA mappings on a per device basis (as does kernel). I am
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 (if it didn't with IOMMUs already). Anyway, because of that UIO-DMA (if it didn't with IOMMUs already). Anyway, because of that UIO-DMA
 needs a device to be initialized and that's why I added a very simple needs a device to be initialized and that's why I added a very simple
-[[http://​github.com/​peper/​uio-dma/​blob/​gpxe/​kmod/​uio-dma-gpxe.c#​L25|uio-dma-gpxe module which does just that]. This isn't really an+[[http://​github.com/​peper/​uio-dma/​blob/​gpxe/​kmod/​uio-dma-gpxe.c#​L25|uio-dma-gpxe module which does just that]]. This isn't really an
 issue on its own (it might be even a plus as it forces to unbind any issue on its own (it might be even a plus as it forces to unbind any
 other drivers first), but it complicates the initialization logic in other drivers first), but it complicates the initialization logic in
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 around that I have added an option to use the last device setup with around that I have added an option to use the last device setup with
 UIO-DMA for the mappings and introduced a UIO-DMA malloc_backend - [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​peper/​gpxe.git;​a=commitdiff;​h=14009a8a96431cecd089c70d6ac44bfe75244497|here]] and [[ http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​peper/​gpxe.git;​a=commitdiff;​h=941ffdafdac66bcbca04fbac1668a4b944c7c18a|here]]. UIO-DMA for the mappings and introduced a UIO-DMA malloc_backend - [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​peper/​gpxe.git;​a=commitdiff;​h=14009a8a96431cecd089c70d6ac44bfe75244497|here]] and [[ http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​peper/​gpxe.git;​a=commitdiff;​h=941ffdafdac66bcbca04fbac1668a4b944c7c18a|here]].
-The reason I use tables (and not single ​api) for the backends+The reason I use the tables ​API (and not single ​API) for the backends
 is that it needs to be able to fallback so that using the tap driver is that it needs to be able to fallback so that using the tap driver
-is still possible ​w/o the modules.+is still possible ​without ​the UIO-DMA ​modules ​being loaded and initialized).
 I don't really like the solution and I am starting to think that doing I don't really like the solution and I am starting to think that doing
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 code size. code size.
-Or I could make the malloc +Or I could make the malloc backend a single ​API (no need for fallback any more) and implement it in userspace ​like that: 
-backend a single ​api (no need for fallback any more) and for userspace +  * in a __init_fn provide the malloc pool by mmap()ing a chunk of memory (like linux_umalloc does) - let's call it A 
-on init mmap a chunk of memory (like linux_umalloc does) and then +  * if an lpci device is going to be used: 
-during ​lpci init allocate the same amount ​with UIO-DMA, copy the old +     ​* ​allocate the same amount ​of memory as for A from UIO-DMA ​- let's call the new chunk B 
-memory ​over, unmap the old chunk and remap the newly allocated chunk +     * copy A over to B 
-in that place. +     * munmap() A (this isn'​t ​really needed as mremap() can take care of that) 
-I like the last option most cause it uses the current malloc() +     * mremap() B to the now free location of A
-implementation,​ works for tap and doesn'​t ​feel so hackish. I am going to implement ​that soonish unless other ideas arise :)+
 +I like the last option most cause it uses the current malloc() implementation,​ works for tap and doesn'​t feel so hackish (just sophisticated ;). I am going to implement that soonish unless other ideas arise.
 +== Update ==
 +"​Sophisticated"​ didn't really work for Josh, but I have come up with something different. I have introduced separate memery pools for normal and DMA memory allocation with an API for switching the latter.
 +See [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​peper/​gpxe.git&​a=search&​h=refs/​heads/​drivers&​st=commit&​s=[malloc]+Introduce+memory+pools+and+hide+internal+API|[malloc] Introduce memory pools and hide internal API]]
 +=== Smaller issues ===
 +  * currently ''​gpxe.linux''​ binary doesn'​t contain the ''​tap''​ driver - easily fixable
 +  * out/in* segfault in userspace if ''​iopl()''​ wasn't called - will probably have to check whether the ioports were initialized on each call
 +== Update ==
 +These have been fixed. Moreover, slighty related to the first one, I have come up with a [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​peper/​gpxe.git;​a=shortlog;​h=refs/​heads/​buildall|buildall branch]],
 + which allows building alldrivers builds on all supported arch/​platform combinations and also adds a everything target that takes advantage of that and builds everything that I could think of. Should come in handy for testing patches.
 +The changes are mostly trivial, but if you want to refresh your make-foo have a look at [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​peper/​gpxe.git&​a=search&​h=refs/​heads/​buildall&​st=commit&​s=[build]+Properly+handle+multiple+goals+per+BIN+directory|[build] Properly handle multiple goals per BIN directory]]. ​
 +=== Update ===
 +I have updated pretty much every commit in the [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​peper/​gpxe.git;​a=shortlog;​h=refs/​heads/​drivers|drivers branch]], adding comments and doing cleanup.


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