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soc:2010:cooldavid:journal:week8 [2010/07/12 15:49]
soc:2010:cooldavid:journal:week8 [2010/07/19 19:11] (current)
Line 24: Line 24:
 gPXE did not check the ACK number while receiving a response from remote gPXE did not check the ACK number while receiving a response from remote
 server with ACK flag set. gPXE assumes the remote server ACKed the SYN/FIN server with ACK flag set. gPXE assumes the remote server ACKed the SYN/FIN
-sent by gPXE if *ANY* received a packet from remote server with ACK flag+sent by gPXE if **ANY** received a packet from remote server with ACK flag
 set. The error might occur when the packet is out-of-order. set. The error might occur when the packet is out-of-order.
Line 47: Line 47:
 To reduce possible TCP port collision. To reduce possible TCP port collision.
-==== gPXE scheduling and program flow documentation ==== 
-Doing a note. 


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