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soc:2009:pravin:project_plan:start [2009/05/22 16:30]
soc:2009:pravin:project_plan:start [2009/06/03 14:48] (current)
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 This customized PXEClient is nothing but regular PXELinux with an embedded script that sets the "​next-server"​ This customized PXEClient is nothing but regular PXELinux with an embedded script that sets the "​next-server"​
 to boot.kernel.org regardless of what the local DHCP server provides. This way, any user can use boot.linux.org without to boot.kernel.org regardless of what the local DHCP server provides. This way, any user can use boot.linux.org without
-having to (re)configure a dhcp server.+having to (re)configure a dhcp server. ​[Done]
 Machines with static IP addresses can be handled by providing a separate embedded script which can be generated at Machines with static IP addresses can be handled by providing a separate embedded script which can be generated at
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 values will be hard-coded into the embedded script which will be bundled with PXEClient handed to the user. values will be hard-coded into the embedded script which will be bundled with PXEClient handed to the user.
 User will be provided with web-interface at boot.linux.org where he will feed in his network setting, and customized User will be provided with web-interface at boot.linux.org where he will feed in his network setting, and customized
-PXEClient embedded script for user's network will be automatically generated.+PXEClient embedded script for user's network will be automatically generated. ​[Currently working on]
 These customized PXElinux clients will start the machine and contact boot.kernel.org. boot.kernel.org will return a These customized PXElinux clients will start the machine and contact boot.kernel.org. boot.kernel.org will return a


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