Week 3

June - 9

  1. Getting up rom-o-matic with BKO support on etherboot. done [http://etherboot.org/share/pravin/BKO/rom-o-matic/]
  2. Because of some wired reason, even original rom-o-matic code is not producing any output. – solved, the bin/NIC target was not compiled in and error reporting was turned off.
  3. The latest gpxe code, and gpxe version used by rom-o-matic, both are creating trubble while booting. ProbsBKORomOMatic

June - 10

  1. Trying to fix the problem with BKO and Rom-O-Matic integration ProbsBKORomOMatic
  2. Adding DSL to pxeknife PxeKnifeDSL
  3. Trying to boot it over http.

June - 11 - 13

  1. I was mostly working getting DSL working over HTTP with pxekinfe.
  2. I have covered the logs of those attempts in PxeKnifeDSL
  3. Mostly I spent most of my time in
    1. Testing whether networking works or not in initramfs.
    2. Figuring out, which extra kernel drivers and tools to be added in initramfs to get networking work.
    3. Getting the statically compiled busybox for linux kernel 2.4.
    4. Figuring out where to put HTTPFS related code in the messy code of linuxrc.
  4. Once I got it working, then I replicated the entire setup in
    1. my laptop (Where I actually do work)
    2. alien.doesntexist.org (my amsterdam machine, which I use for testing)
    3. rom.etherboot.org

June - 14

Used weekend to explore Paris. I was too tired to do anything useful when I returned.


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