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soc:2009:pravin:journal:pxekniferomomatic [2009/06/04 06:22]
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soc:2009:pravin:journal:pxekniferomomatic [2009/06/04 14:47] (current)
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-====== Pxeknife integretion with pxeknife ​======+====== Pxeknife integretion with rom-o-matic ​======
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 provide pxe images/​rom/​nic with gpxe script embedded. ​ This script will connect to pxeknife server to get boot loader. provide pxe images/​rom/​nic with gpxe script embedded. ​ This script will connect to pxeknife server to get boot loader.
 ===== Implementation ===== ===== Implementation =====
 +Actual working implementation is described [[PxeKnifeRomOMaticHTTP|here]]
 +In file rom-o-matic/​build.php the image is compiled by following command
 +make -C '​$dir'​ '​$target'​
 +I have modified it to compile with embedded image by modifying above code with
 +make -C '​$dir'​ EMBEDDED_IMAGE=./​pxeDHCP.gpxe,​./​pxeSTATIC.gpxe '​$target'​
 +the script //​./​pxeDHCP.gpxe//​ contains following code
 +echo "Hi, We will be using PXEKnife from URL http://​www.alien.doesntexist.org/​pxeknife"​
 +echo "It is assumed that you have dhcp networking"​
 +imgload pxeSTATIC.gpxe
 +ifopen net0
 +echo "Hit Control+C to cancel DHCP"
 +echo "You may want to do this if you want to use static-IP"​
 +echo "​Otherwise,​ it will try DHCP, and then anyway go to static-IP"​
 +sleep 4
 +dhcp net0
 +set 209:string pxelinux.cfg/​default
 +set 210:string http://​www.alien.doesntexist.org/​pxeknife/​
 +echo "Here we go"
 +chain http://​www.alien.doesntexist.org/​pxeknife/​pxelinux.0
 +echo "​PxeKnife booting cancelled, using local disk instead.."​
 +and //​./​pxeSTATIC.gpxe//​ contains following script.
 +echo "As you dont have DHCP, you need to give details about network configuration"​
 +echo "Soon, you will be presented with interface to provide details about network configuration"​
 +echo "​Please provide, IP address, Netmask, Gateway and Router"​
 +ifopen net0
 +set net0/ip
 +set net0/​netmask
 +set net0/​gateway
 +set net0/dns
 +sleep 3
 +set 209:string pxelinux.cfg/​default
 +set 210:string http://​www.alien.doesntexist.org/​pxeknife/​
 +echo "Here we go"
 +chain http://​www.alien.doesntexist.org/​pxeknife/​pxelinux.0
 +echo "​PxeKnife booting cancelled, using local disk instead.."​
 +The code is hosted at url [[http://​www.alien.doesntexist.org/​pxeknife/​PHP/​gpxe_generation/​]]
 +===== Problems (solved) =====
 +When I boot using qemu with following command
 +qemu -fda gpxe-git-e1000.dsk
 +I get following error
 +no such interface: net0
 +and booting fails :-(. I also tried with gpxe-git-3c509-eisa.dsk but same result.\\
 +But when I compile the the gpxe with same script and no target, it works fine
 +make EMBEDDED_IMAGE=./​pxeDHCP.gpxe
 +qemu -fda bin/​gpxe.dsk
 +==== Solution ====
 +Problem was that, qemu does not support all network drivers, and you need to tell qemu which device driver to emulate.
 +Following qemu command is working for rtl8139
 +qemu -fda gpxe-git-rtl8139.dsk -net nic,​model=rtl8139 -net user
 +===== For static IP =====
 +To support static IP, the plan is to have two scripts, one with DHCP and one with Static.
 +When DHCP fails, static will pick up and continue execution.
 +==== Problem (solved) ====
 +Second script is not getting executed.
 +I had to load the second script from first script using imgload
 +imgload pxeSTATIC.gpxe
 +Other than that,
 +I had to comment out the break statement in //​core/​main.c//​ inside function //​main()// ​
 +there is a loop which iterate over each image. but there was a break, which had to be removed.
 +        if ( have_images() ) {
 +            for_each_image ( image ) {
 +                image_exec ( image );
 +                /* break; ​ */ /* commented so that second script will be executed -- pravin */
 +            }
 +        } else {
 +Other change is done in //​image/​script.c//​ file inside function //​script_exec()//​ where at end, it re-registers the script.
 +The second executable does not get executed when this line is there, so, I commented it out.
 +I am not sure what exactly is the problem, but my guess is that, \\
 +re_register puts the script on top of the list, but older mapping where second script ​ was loaded in memory gets messed up somehow.
 +    rc = 0;
 + done:
 +    /* Re-register image and return */
 +    register_image ( image );    /* commented so that next one will be executed -- pravin */
 +    return rc;


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