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soc:2009:pravin:journal:pxeknifedsl [2009/06/12 12:41]
soc:2009:pravin:journal:pxeknifedsl [2009/06/13 15:05] (current)
Line 37: Line 37:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 with this, I am able to mount the remote KNOPPIX. with this, I am able to mount the remote KNOPPIX.
 +===== loading KNOPPIX over HTTP  =====
 +if I start DSL and if does not find the KNOPPIX anywhere, then it gives a emergency shell.
 +I have written a following script that can be run from that shell and it will load the KNOPPIX on /cdrom/
 +insmod /​modules/​crc32.o
 +insmod /​modules/​8390.o ​
 +insmod /​modules/​mii.o ​
 +insmod /​modules/​ne2k-pci.o ​
 +insmod /​modules/​pcnet32.o ​
 +insmod /​modules/​r8169.o ​
 +insmod /​modules/​e100.o ​
 +insmod /​modules/​e1000.o ​
 +insmod /​modules/​sis900.o ​
 +insmod /​modules/​via-rhine.o ​
 +insmod /​modules/​8139too.o ​
 +insmod /​modules/​af_packet.o
 +ifconfig lo up
 +ifconfig eth0 up
 +udhcpc -s /​static/​udhcpc.sh 1
 +insmod /​modules/​fuse.o
 +echo "​testing networking"​
 +mkdir /ntest
 +httpfs http://​​reach /ntest
 +echo "​checking content"​
 +cat /​ntest/​reach
 +echo "​mounting KNOPPIX"​
 +mkdir /​cdrom/​KNOPPIX
 +httpfs http://​​KNOPPIX /​cdrom/​KNOPPIX
 +This script is invoked automatically from linuxrc.\\
 +I have also added the busybox in ///​static/​busybox//​ and it supports meny commands.\\
 +Networking can be tested with __wget__ but one need to give IP address as URL's are not supported right now.
 +# wget http://​​reach
 +# cat reach
 +# mount
 +rootfs / rootfs rw 0 0
 +/​dev/​root.old / ext2 rw 0 0
 +/proc /proc proc rw 0 0
 +/dev/pts /dev/pts devpts rw 0 0
 +httpfs /ntest fuse rw,​nosuid,​nodev,​user_id=0,​group_id=0 0 0
 +httpfs /cdrom fuse rw,​nosuid,​nodev,​user_id=0,​group_id=0 0 0
 +It shows that KNOPPIX is available and __networking__ is working fine\\
 +===== Mounting the KNOPPIX =====
 +Now, one of the question is when do I call loader.sh from within linuxrc?\\
 +Here is the code for [[http://​pastebin.com/​f265d01b0|linuxrc]]\\
 +My guess is that I just need to find correct place, and then it should happen automatically.\\
 +Finally, I got it working.
 +the modified __linuxrc__ file is [[http://​pastebin.com/​f5eb77a27|here]].\\
 +and latest one which works with [http://​rom.etherboot.org/​share/​pravin/​pxeknife/​]] is [[http://​paste.etherboot.org/?​page=view&​id=1244928477|here]] ​
 +===== Test the linux over HTTP =====
 + ​[http://​rom.etherboot.org/​share/​pravin/​pxeknife/​]]


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