Problem faced in creating initramfs for knoppix.

Approach - 1 (mount the minirt )

In this approach, minitrt is running out of space.

$ gunzip minirt.gz
$ mkdir mpoint
$ sudo mount minirt mpoint -o loop
$ df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/loop1            3.4M  2.9M  554K  85% /home/pravin/Etherboot/git/BKO.git/pxeknife/knoppix/5.0.1/mpoint

$ sudo cp modules/* mpoint/modules/
$ df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/loop1            3.4M  3.4M   54K  99% /home/pravin/Etherboot/git/BKO.git/pxeknife/knoppix/5.0.1/tt/tt

$ sudo cp busybox mpoint/static
cp: writing `tt/static/busybox': No space left on device

$ df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/loop1            3.4M  3.4M  1.0K 100% /home/pravin/Etherboot/git/BKO.git/pxeknife/knoppix/5.0.1/tt/tt

Possible solution : I need to find the way to resize the minirt so that I can add few more static executables which are needed by me for booting.

Approach - 2 : using cpio

$ gunzip minirt.gz
$ mkdir minirtdir
$ cd minirtdir
$ cpio -ivu --no-absolute-filenames < ../minirt
cpio: Malformed number E[wO5
cpio: Malformed number [wO5
cpio: Malformed number wO5
cpio: Malformed number O5
cpio: Malformed number 
cpio: Malformed number "
cpio: Malformed number "
cpio: Malformed number 
cpio: Malformed number a|
cpio: Malformed number a|
cpio: Malformed number |
cpio: Malformed number 
cpio: Malformed number 
cpio: Malformed number 
cpio: Malformed number 
cpio: Malformed number 
cpio: Malformed number 
cpio: Malformed number 
cpio: Malformed number 
cpio: Malformed number E[wO5
cpio: Malformed number [wO5
cpio: Malformed number wO5

I tried googling on error cpio: Malformed number it seems there are some kind of version issues.

fuse.ko for linux-2.6.19

I have wasted lot of time in finding fuse.ko for kernel 2.6.19. Then I came across statement somewhere that Kernel 2.6.14 and up have build-in Fuse-support. on page so, I am not bothering to insert fuse module manually.


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