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soc:2009:pravin:journal:dnsissue [2009/08/07 07:53]
soc:2009:pravin:journal:dnsissue [2009/08/16 17:11] (current)
Line 77: Line 77:
 +====== editing pxelinux ======
 +I have been warned that I will need assembly knowledge and I will need to modify C parser for this  :-(\\
 +the pxeknife.asm contains 2700 lines of assembly code which does not look very promising for quick fix.\\
 +Here is the code of [[http://​git.kernel.org/?​p=boot/​syslinux/​syslinux.git;​a=blob;​f=core/​pxelinux.asm;​h=190f4c66a39247a4079e5e7d5c32512c008b33c0;​hb=8e01231be41fd889bcb71604dbda511688ed0f38|pxeknife.asm]]
 +===== Solution - 3 | dynamically generate config files with DNS entry =====
 +as andytim suggested
 +set 210:string http://​boot.kernel.org/​bko/​boot?​dnsip=${dns}&​fetch=
 +echo would expand that, then option 210 would have the DNS in it.
 +COM32 menu.c32
 +APPEND somemenu.ini
 +echo Would fetch http://​boot.kernel.org/​bko/​boot?​dnsip=​fetch=
 +rwrc's patch has been applied and it is working fine :-)
 +===== Solution - 4 | Use syslinux with -dhcpinfo option =====
 +  - Information about how to do this [[http://​syslinux.zytor.com/​wiki/​index.php/​Linux.c32]]
 +  - Failed attempt from warthog [[http://​www.eaglescrag.net/​stuff/​bko_knoppix6_fail2.png]]


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