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soc:2009:oremanj:project_plan:start [2009/06/02 00:50]
soc:2009:oremanj:project_plan:start [2009/06/25 15:47] (current)
mdc gPXE-isation :)
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 ===== Project Plan ===== ===== Project Plan =====
 ==== Summary ==== ==== Summary ====
-I will design an infrastructure for 802.11 cards to be used by Etherboot, and as many drivers for it as I have time for. Currently there is only one driver for any 802.11 device (prism2) and it's out-of-date and unsupported by any 802.11 infrastructure. My work will create that infrastructure,​ with the hopeful end result of a slim 802.11 layer that is versatile enough to support all common use cases and more driver development. I will implement at least one driver, probably two and maybe three, along with generic support for 802.11 features such as security (at least WEP and WPA Personal; WPA Enterprise is much more involved and probably out of this summer'​s scope) and scanning for available networks.+I will design an infrastructure for 802.11 cards to be used by gPXE, and as many drivers for it as I have time for. Currently there is only one driver for any 802.11 device (prism2) and it's out-of-date and unsupported by any 802.11 infrastructure. My work will create that infrastructure,​ with the hopeful end result of a slim 802.11 layer that is versatile enough to support all common use cases and more driver development. I will implement at least one driver, probably two and maybe three, along with generic support for 802.11 features such as security (at least WEP and WPA Personal; WPA Enterprise is much more involved and probably out of this summer'​s scope) and scanning for available networks.
 ==== Outline ==== ==== Outline ====


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