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soc:2009:oremanj:journal:week5 [2009/06/26 21:48]
soc:2009:oremanj:journal:week5 [2009/06/26 22:26] (current)
Line 142: Line 142:
           /* ... */           /* ... */
   }   }
 +  ​
   void * memcpy ( void *dest, const void *src, int len )   void * memcpy ( void *dest, const void *src, int len )
-          __attribute__ (( weak, alias ( "​core_memcpy " ) ));+          __attribute__ (( weak, alias ( "​core_memcpy"​ ) ));
 Then architecture-specific code could just define ''​memcpy''​ directly, no preprocessor tricks needed, and it would supersede the core version. Again, I don't think anything needs this at this point, but it's cool to know - maybe it'll even come in handy someday! :-) Then architecture-specific code could just define ''​memcpy''​ directly, no preprocessor tricks needed, and it would supersede the core version. Again, I don't think anything needs this at this point, but it's cool to know - maybe it'll even come in handy someday! :-)


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