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soc:2009:oremanj:journal:week3 [2009/06/13 11:44]
soc:2009:oremanj:journal:week3 [2009/06/15 14:50] (current)
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 Things left to do on 802.11 include: Things left to do on 802.11 include:
   * <​del>​[easy] Provide CTS protection if the network asks for it; required for 802.11 g/b interoperability.</​del>​ Done 6/12   * <​del>​[easy] Provide CTS protection if the network asks for it; required for 802.11 g/b interoperability.</​del>​ Done 6/12
-  * [easy] If we don't get a response to our assoc/auth packets within a few seconds during the association phase, resend them. +  * <del>[easy] If we don't get a response to our assoc/auth packets within a few seconds during the association phase, resend them.</​del>​ Done 6/15 
-  * [easy, added 6/10] If we're running without a user-specified SSID, and we can't associate with the best-signal network due to e.g. encryption, try the others. Possibly extend this to trying others if we get a DHCP that doesn'​t provide PXE options. +  * <del>[easy, added 6/10] If we're running without a user-specified SSID, and we can't associate with the best-signal network due to e.g. encryption, try the others. Possibly extend this to trying others if we get a DHCP that doesn'​t provide PXE options.</​del>​ Decided 6/15 not to do; it would cause network probe to use significantly more resources, without benefiting the typical gPXE user. The minimal automatic functionality we have now (associate with strongest-signal if SSID is blank) should be enough
-  * [easy] Provide command-line facilities to see what the card's doing, or extend `ifstat'​ to show it. (Channel, BSSID, signal strength, etc; this stuff can be very useful for network debugging.) Possibly provide a facility to scan for all networks (one way of doing that is prototyped in net80211.h, but I haven'​t implemented it).+  * [easy] Provide command-line facilities to see what the card's doing, or extend `ifstat'​ to show it. (Channel, BSSID, signal strength, etc; this stuff can be very useful for network debugging.) ​<del>Possibly provide a facility to scan for all networks (one way of doing that is prototyped in net80211.h, but I haven'​t implemented it).</​del>​
   * <​del>​[easy] Include error message tables for the 802.11 status and reason codes. These would be rather big, but "​association denied - status 12" is of no help to anyone who doesn'​t have the 802.11 standard on hand. Perhaps we should just teach them to gpxebot, and/or figure out a way to encode them into the 32-bit return code space.</​del>​ Error encoding done 6/12   * <​del>​[easy] Include error message tables for the 802.11 status and reason codes. These would be rather big, but "​association denied - status 12" is of no help to anyone who doesn'​t have the 802.11 standard on hand. Perhaps we should just teach them to gpxebot, and/or figure out a way to encode them into the 32-bit return code space.</​del>​ Error encoding done 6/12
   * [easy, added 6/12] Clean up status displays, so the prompt doesn'​t appear in the middle of the association message after an ifopen or SSID set.   * [easy, added 6/12] Clean up status displays, so the prompt doesn'​t appear in the middle of the association message after an ifopen or SSID set.
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 Meeting minutes: Meeting minutes:
   * Michael couldn'​t make it to most of the meeting, but he sent an email prior. I need to start preparing my changes to be merged into mainline, using a separate branch with properly-separated commits. Debugging messages should be done using the gPXE standard DBGC, and the "​[802.11 associating... ok, <​network>​]"​ message should not be enabled by non-debugging default.   * Michael couldn'​t make it to most of the meeting, but he sent an email prior. I need to start preparing my changes to be merged into mainline, using a separate branch with properly-separated commits. Debugging messages should be done using the gPXE standard DBGC, and the "​[802.11 associating... ok, <​network>​]"​ message should not be enabled by non-debugging default.
 +  * All the items from last week's meeting have been addressed.
   * Need to send an email to etherboot-developers about the image strangeness observed yesterday.   * Need to send an email to etherboot-developers about the image strangeness observed yesterday.
   * Need to allow imgfree with an argument, at least in cases (scripts) where this can be safely done.   * Need to allow imgfree with an argument, at least in cases (scripts) where this can be safely done.
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 Priorities for this coming week: debugging cleanup, mainline cleanup, iSCSI testing, rate control. Priorities for this coming week: debugging cleanup, mainline cleanup, iSCSI testing, rate control.
 +I think it might be a very good idea to change association to run synchronously,​ using the monojob interface. I've already seen a few issues that were caused by the asynchronous process being interleaved with some activity that should strictly follow it. Need to get Michael'​s input on this.
 I'll have a video card arriving on Monday, so I can update my kernel and use the host-AP and packet injection functionality of my card. I'll have a video card arriving on Monday, so I can update my kernel and use the host-AP and packet injection functionality of my card.


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