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soc:2009:oremanj:journal:week10 [2009/08/01 10:21]
soc:2009:oremanj:journal:week10 [2009/08/01 11:50] (current)
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 Packets are still not being received properly, but the fix will probably reveal itself after slogging through enough diffs and debug statements. I hope to have this driver completely working by the end of next week. Packets are still not being received properly, but the fix will probably reveal itself after slogging through enough diffs and debug statements. I hope to have this driver completely working by the end of next week.
 +==== Saturday, 1 August ====
 +Had a meeting this morning. Priorities for the remaining two weeks of GSoC:
 +  * For the week of 2 August:
 +    * Get ath5k finished.
 +    * Figure out why ''​REQUIRE_OBJECT()''​ doesn'​t produce a link error for nonexistent objects, and determine the best way to express a dependency of the form "​require X if Y is linked in", alternately "​produce undefined symbol X if symbol Y is defined"​. Ideally this would be expressible in C, but if not, we can do it with linker script fragments generated on the fly by a script.
 +  * For the week of 9 August:
 +    * Get encryption code, firmware loading, and ath5k driver ready for mainline review.
 +    * Document!
 +      * A page for users wanting to boot wirelessly.
 +      * A page for 802.11 driver developers.
 +      * Time permitting, a semi-organized brain dump of the 802.11 information I've gleaned over the summer. It's all in the spec, but the spec goes into detail so quickly that it creates a feeling of drowning. A gentler introduction may help future developers.
 +  * And beyond...
 +  * On **gPXE mainline**:
 +    * [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=ce64398f87230d14a62b2ff153a67b851a125d2e|
 +[802.11] Add support for 802.11 devices with software MAC layer]]
 +    * [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=14ae602ef0421c15b28d26886fa5eea99c553aca|
 +[rtl818x] Add driver for Realtek 8180/8185 wireless cards]]
 +The iwmgmt commit is awaiting a more general solution for the problem of "​require this object only if this subsystem is already compiled in", which I'll be working on over the next weeks.


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