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soc:2009:lynusvaz:journal:week9 [2009/07/20 11:15]
soc:2009:lynusvaz:journal:week9 [2009/07/28 11:28] (current)
Line 11: Line 11:
 and for bin/​rtl8139.rom:​ and for bin/​rtl8139.rom:​
 Before: 55808, After: 55808 Before: 55808, After: 55808
 +July 21-24: Had some problems with the gen_stack: the expand_command() function made a new stack, stored the arguments in that and copied the contents into the passed stack. So, I've now defined gen_stack as a struct:
 +  struct gen_stack {
 +        void *ptr;
 +        int count;
 +  };
 +  #define VAR_STACK( name ) _##name
 +  #define INIT_STACK( name ) { VAR_STACK ( name ), -1 }
 +  #define STACK( name, type, size ) \
 +        typeof ( type ) VAR_STACK ( name )[size]; \
 +        struct gen_stack name = INIT_STACK ( name );
 +So, when a stack is defined:
 +  STACK ( my_stack, int, 10);
 +  typeof ( int ) _my_stack[10];​
 +  struct gen_stack my_stack = { _my_stack, -1 };;
 +This means that a gen_stack can be passed as a single entity to functions. Also, am using a struct string to store the complete command. This allows me to reduce the size of the system() function slightly.
 +   ​577  ​     8       4     589     24d bin/​exec.o
 +   ​335  ​    ​16  ​     4     355     163 bin/​shell.o
 +   ​954  ​     0       0     954     3ba bin/​parse.o
 +Sent in the modifications to etherboot-developers today.
 +July 25: Had the weekly meeting today. Things to do for next week: documentation of scripting changes, and sending in the next patch, which is the arithmetic parser. Decided to also start on writing an autoboot script, which will implement the current autoboot procedure, in a script. This could serve as a useful example. Now, an interesting part of the autoboot process is the PXE menu. There are some DHCP settings that need to be checked for that.
 +July 26: Prepared the arithmetic parser for the next patch: [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​lynusvaz/​gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=dd8fa1717762bf43213ac082355254b0de337833|Arithmetic parser]] Also reading up on the PXE menu.


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