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soc:2009:lynusvaz:journal:week2 [2009/06/02 06:10]
soc:2009:lynusvaz:journal:week2 [2009/06/07 22:20] (current)
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 June 1: Stefan suggested I take a check and look at the big picture. As a result, I've filled in my Project Plan, with the details of the project. One of the first things to be done is to look at the syntax. Once that is decided, I will be able to move forward. June 1: Stefan suggested I take a check and look at the big picture. As a result, I've filled in my Project Plan, with the details of the project. One of the first things to be done is to look at the syntax. Once that is decided, I will be able to move forward.
 +June 2-3: Reading through the bash source, to see how they do things. They seem to separate arithmetic and non-numeric expressions. I don't think that's really possible here.
 +June 5: Tried to see if I could unify evaluation and variable expansion, like ${a+2}. This would mean adding support for strings. There are two ways I thought of:
 +  * Each parsing function returns a string instead of a value. (I.e.: "​11+23"​ will give "​34"​ instead of 34).
 +  * Check if only a variable is present; if so, return that value, if not convert to an integer and continue as usual.
 +The first seems smaller. There are problems with this approach, anyway, since some operators such as '/'​ are valid in variable names.


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