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soc:2009:asdlkf:journal:week5 [2009/06/27 09:04]
soc:2009:asdlkf:journal:week5 [2009/06/29 16:42] (current)
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 Looking more closely into the output of the two commands run at the end of the 25th (the 2 different versions of building skge), the mentor email list pointed me towards "​vaddr"​ being 0. This does absolutly make sense as a probable cause for a crash. Looking more closely into the output of the two commands run at the end of the 25th (the 2 different versions of building skge), the mentor email list pointed me towards "​vaddr"​ being 0. This does absolutly make sense as a probable cause for a crash.
 I will look more directly into following this variable in both versions of the executible build as soon as my meeting is over today. I will look more directly into following this variable in both versions of the executible build as soon as my meeting is over today.
 +... Later that day...
 +So, vaddr was just a symptom.
 +I spent about 90 minutes with MCB30 and AndyTim trying to diagnose what was going on; In the end, one specific line stood out:
 +       ​netdev = alloc_etherdev (sizeof (*adapter));​
 +Hmm...... It COULD have something to do with the fact that netdev is being allocated the size of *adapter...
 +Ok, so, better. Things appear to be running smoothly.
 +June 28: Taken off, Helping a friend paint a wall. Then watching it dry. Then painting it again.
 -- Chris -- Chris


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