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soc:2008:mdeck:journal:start [2008/05/28 16:56]
soc:2008:mdeck:journal:start [2008/08/13 15:16] (current)
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 ===== Journal ===== ===== Journal =====
-The following is a log of steps I'​ve ​taken.  ​Note that I don't use Linux on a daily basis.  ​Any terminal commands below are for my reference.+Throughout my development efforts here with the Etherboot project, ​I'​ve ​maintained a journal.  ​You'll find details of my progress, notable considerations,​ and links to my commits.  ​Or you can jump straight to my working branch [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​mdeck/​gpxe.git;​a=shortlog;​h=skge|shortlog]].
-==== 19 May 2008 ==== +  ​[[weekC|Week C]] ∋ {13 August, ...} 
- +  * [[weekB|Week B]] ∋ {06 August, ..., 10 August
-  ​Installed libc6-devmtools, syslinux, & gitk with Synaptic Program Manager (SPM)  +  ​* [[weekA|Week A]] ∋ {30 July, ..., 31 July} 
-  * Cloned git tree into samba share <​code>​$ git clone git://git.etherboot.org/​scm/​gpxe.git</​code>​ +  ​* [[week9|Week 9]] ∋ {23 July, ..., 24 July} 
-  * Successfully built gpxe <​code>​$ make</​code>​ +  ​* [[week8|Week 8]] ∋ {16 July, ..., 20 July} 
-  * Wrote to usb keybooted successfully on target <​code>​$ dd if=bin/gpxe.usb of=/​dev/​sdb</​code>​ +  ​[[week7|Week 7]] ∋ {09 July, ..., 13 July} 
-  * Installed dhcp3-server via SPM and configured +  * [[week6|Week 6]] ∋ {02 July, ..., 05 July} 
-    * Added interface to ''/​etc/​default/​dhcp3-server''​ <​code>​INTERFACES="​eth0"</​code>​ +  * [[week5|Week 5]] ∋ {23 June, ..., 29 June} 
-    * Modified ''/​etc/​dhcp3/​dhcpd.conf''​ <​code>​ +  * [[week4|Week 4]] ∋ {16 June, ..., 19 June
- +  ​* [[week3|Week 3]] ∋ {10 June, ..., 15 June
-# dhcpd.conf +  * [[week2|Week 2]] ∋ {04 June, ..., 08 June} 
-+  * [[week1|Week 1]] ∋ {26 May, ..., 01 June} 
- +  * [[week0|Week 0]] ∋ {19 May, 20 May}
-ddns-update-style none; +
-not authoritative;​ +
- +
-default-lease-time 600; +
-max-lease-time 7200; +
- +
-host h1 {  +
-  hardware ethernet 00:​11:​22:​33:​44:​7b;​  +
-} +
- +
-host h2 { +
-  ​hardware ethernet 00:​11:​22:​33:​44:​b0;​ +
- +
-shared-network "​net" ​{ +
-subnet netmask { +
-  ​range;​ +
-  ​option subnet-mask; +
-  ​option routers;​ +
-  deny unknown-clients;​ +
- +
-  option root-path "​​tftpboot";​ +
-  filename "​test";​ +
-}</​code>​ This configuration was made utilizing ​[[:​twodhcpservers|this page]] and [[http://​linux.die.net/​man/​5/​dhcpd.conf|man dhcpd.conf]].  Hosts ''​h1''​ and ''​h2''​ are two different ethernet ports on the target After making changes: <​code>​$ /etc/init.d/​dhcp3-server restart</​code>​ +
-  * Installed tftpd-hpa via SPM and configured +
-    * Created ''/​tftpboot''​ directory +
-    * Modified ''/​etc/​inetd.conf''​ <​code>​tftp dgram udp wait root /​usr/​sbin/​in.tftpd /​usr/​sbin/​in.tftpd -s /​tftpboot</​code>​ +
- +
-==== 20 May 2008 ==== +
- +
-  * Tested ATA-over-Ethernet +
-    * Changed dhcpd.conf: <​code>​ +
-# dhcpd.conf +
- +
-ddns-update-style none; +
-not authoritative;​ +
- +
-default-lease-time 600; +
-max-lease-time 7200; +
- +
-ignore unknown-clients;​ +
- +
-host h1 { +
-  hardware ethernet 00:​11:​22:​33:​44:​7b;​  +
-  filename "";​ +
-  option root-path "​aoe:​e0.0"; +
-} +
- +
-class "​c1"​ { +
-  ​match if option vendor-class-identifier = "​Etherboot";​ +
- +
-subnet netmask ​{ +
-  pool { +
- deny members of "​c1";​ +
- range; +
-  ​+
-</​code>​ This is setup such that no IP is allocated, although the aoe boot will initiate for host ''​h1''​. ​ In this way, Windows will retrieve an IP from the proper DHCP server when it starts. ​ The DHCP server being configured exists on the AOE server only to establish AOE sessions. +
-    * Configured my '​normal'​ DHCP server to ignore etherboot DHCP requests<​code>​dhcp-vendorclass=eth,​Etherboot +
-dhcp-ignore=eth</​code>​ +
-    ​Followed additional AOE steps outlined in [[:​sanboot:​winxp|HowTo]] +
- +
-==== 26 May 2008 ==== +
- +
-  * Converted ''#​ifdef DEBUG printf(..)''​ and ''​hd(..)''​ statements to ''​DBG(..)''​ and ''​DBG_HD(..)''​ in ''​eepro100.c''​ +
-  * Collected & sorted notes on Etherboot and gPXE driver API +
- +
-==== 27 May 2008 ==== +
- +
-  * Further gPXE network driver API documentation +
-  * Hardware problems encountered;​ consulted with mdc +
- +
-==== 28 May 2008 ==== +
- +
-  * [[:​soc:​2008:​mdeck:​notes:​gpxe_driver_api|gPXE Network Driver API]] documentation continues+
-  * [[:​soc:​2008:​mdeck:​notes:​initialization|gPXE Network Driver Initialization]] document added.+


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