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soc:2008:dverkamp:journal:start [2008/06/05 13:10]
soc:2008:dverkamp:journal:start [2008/08/15 12:06] (current)
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 ===== Journal ===== ===== Journal =====
-==== Week 0 ==== +  * [[ week12 | Week 12]] 
-----+  * [[ week10 | Week 10]] 
 +  * [[ week9 | Week 9 ]] 
 +  * [[ week8 | Week 8 ]] 
 +  * [[ week7 | Week 7 ]] 
 +  * [[ week6 | Week 6 ]] 
 +  * [[ week5 | Week 5 ]] 
 +  * [[ week4 | Week 4 ]] 
 +  * [[ week3 | Week 3 ]] 
 +  * [[ week2 | Week 2 ]] 
 +  * [[ week1 | Week 1 ]] 
 +  * [[ week0 | Week 0 ]]
-=== 19 May 2008 === 
-Journal created. ​ 
-=== 21 May 2008 === 
-  * Image type detection by filename: check image->​uri?​ 
-  * arch/​i386/​README.i386:​ use libpm for COM32 transitions,​ librm for 16-bit COMBOOT 
-  * hook_bios_interrupt -> hook the COMBOOT API ints (for 16-bit) with stubs that call back into gPXE? 
-  * REAL_CODE, PHYS_CODE in inline asm 
-  * memcpy_user,​ real_to_user 
-  * i386_all_regs,​ regs_t (ordered like PUSHA) types 
-  * _virt_to_phys to switch from etherboot-style virtual address space to flat physical addresses (COM32) 
-  * basemem_packet (BASEMEM_PACKET_LEN = 1514) 
-  * arch/​i386/​include/​virtaddr.h:​ VIRTUAL/​PHYSICAL/​REAL_CS/​DS 
-  * install_rm_callback_interface 
-  * Split COMBOOT and C32 or use the same image type for both? 
-== TODO == 
-  * Check current PXE API support 
-  * Find out how to add config option for image type 
-=== 23 May 2008 === 
-  * Had meeting with mdc and mcb30; discussed basic architecture for COMBOOT support 
-  * Discovered how near RET from 16-bit COMBOOT works - INT 20h at byte 0 of segment (documented as part of PSP in COMBOOT spec) 
-  * Sample hook_bios_interrupt/​call_prot code from mcb30; see [[soc/​2008/​dverkamp/​notes/​hook_bios_interrupt]] 
-  * Finished basic 16-bit COMBOOT loading and INT 20h and INT 21h AH=02h hooks {{:​soc:​2008:​dverkamp:​journal:​dverkamp-may-23-2008.png|}} 
-=== 24 May 2008 === 
-  * Figured out and fixed why RET wasn't working - top of stack wasn't being cleared 
-  * Cleaned up and committed beginnings of COMBOOT API 
-==== Week 1 ==== 
-=== 25-26 May 2008 === 
-  * Allow COMBOOT images to return via INT 20h - save the (far) return address during exec, then save the old stack address in the PSP, so in INT 20h handler, just change back to old stack and do RETF 
-  * Handle other termination API functions (INT 21h, AH=00h and AH=4Ch) - call INT 20h handler 
-  * Handle INT 21h, AH=09h (Write DOS String to Console) and AH=30h (Check DOS Version) 
-=== 29 May 2008 === 
-  * Add beginning of SYSLINUX AX=0001h (get version) and AX=0003h (run command) 
-  * Run command function was looping on itself (comboot executable ran again when "​boot"​ executed?), so did similar "​unregister image while running"​ like image/​script.c 
-=== 30 May 2008 === 
-  * Meeting with mdc 
-==== Week 2 ==== 
-=== 02 June 2008 === 
-  * Message to soc-mentors discussing implementation details; learned how to get available memory, test if key is hit, call protected-mode code with flat-memory setup, etc. 
-  * Finish COMBOOT API "Get Version"​ - return address of version and copyright strings [[ http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​dverkamp/​gpxe.git;​a=commitdiff;​h=4f02100d29583bd9586e4a832eb910f9192d304b | 4f02100d29583bd9586e4a832eb910f9192d304b ]] 
-  * Fill in correct value for available memory field in PSP header [[ http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​dverkamp/​gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=c07e41f20e6ef9b89e290733d5c06a8fcadfb0e1 | c07e41f20e6ef9b89e290733d5c06a8fcadfb0e1 ]] 
-=== 03 June 2008 === 
-  * Initial try at COM32 support; helper functions are not implemented yet, so nothing really works [[ http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​dverkamp/​gpxe.git;​a=commitdiff;​h=6d18cc20c85e7a1a195705d1da6bd67c0917138f | 6d18cc20c85e7a1a195705d1da6bd67c0917138f ]] 
-  * Wrappers for COM32 helper functions to switch between flat mapping used by COM32 and the virtual address space used by gPXE (COM32 still mainly untested) [[ http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​dverkamp/​gpxe.git;​a=commitdiff;​h=d5e92f83c8fba51e0a2c803b9204bae7d86c9cd8 | d5e92f83c8fba51e0a2c803b9204bae7d86c9cd8 ]] 
-  * Some small fixes to COMBOOT (always load the image in the same place, and use that fact to locate the PSP even if the image changes segment registers) [[ http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​dverkamp/​gpxe.git;​a=commitdiff;​h=245547103ed490bfc380d94ea7f7634a6e46f11a | 245547103ed490bfc380d94ea7f7634a6e46f11a ]] 
-  * Find correct end of available memory value for ESP before executing COM32 images 
-  * Finish helper functions (copy between registers and com32sys_t structs) 
-=== 04 June 2008 === 
-   * Find end of memory value from walking memmap and pass it to COM32 programs [[ http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​dverkamp/​gpxe.git;​a=commitdiff;​h=164672592936bb3026b4ada3113b3e66f0e6f51c || 164672592936bb3026b4ada3113b3e66f0e6f51c ]] 
-=== 05 June 2008 === 
-   * Fix a lot of small things related to COM32; now ''​hello.c32''​ and ''​hello2.c32''​ run correctly! 
-[[ http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​dverkamp/​gpxe.git;​a=commitdiff;​h=3876fad11e9f4ba3d8319eaadffce7c30aaaeaa6 || 3876fad11e9f4ba3d8319eaadffce7c30aaaeaa6 ]], [[ http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​dverkamp/​gpxe.git;​a=commitdiff;​h=bcb1ffca2899973f73381d36cdae88e7c13c0881 || bcb1ffca2899973f73381d36cdae88e7c13c0881 ]], [[ http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​dverkamp/​gpxe.git;​a=commitdiff;​h=32030bd5f16208b01441eed8ef0d101362770ef0 || 32030bd5f16208b01441eed8ef0d101362770ef0 ]], [[ http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​dverkamp/​gpxe.git;​a=commitdiff;​h=8f4adae9cb357b8f88beea16439fa2afdcc127d3 || 8f4adae9cb357b8f88beea16439fa2afdcc127d3 ]], [[ http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​dverkamp/​gpxe.git;​a=commitdiff;​h=f7a3b956e3eaa5689da98721d1bbb55910b5d6c1 || f7a3b956e3eaa5689da98721d1bbb55910b5d6c1 ]] 
-  * Only the intcall helper is implemented;​ the farcall and cfarcall helper functions are still unimplemented,​ but should be relatively easy now that intcall is working 


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