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soc:2008:balajirrao:journal:week6 [2008/07/01 18:45]
soc:2008:balajirrao:journal:week6 [2008/07/03 18:00] (current)
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 ==== Week 6 ==== ==== Week 6 ====
 +=== Wednesday and Thursday, ​ July 2 and 3rd ===
-=== Monday, ​ June 30th ===+Completed the asix driver. It works only for D-Link DUB-E100 but not for the Belklin gigabit adapter though both share the same tx/rx routines. They differ only in the initialization part. So obviously I have screwed the initialization part somehow :(
-Completed the pegasus driver. Belklin FSD050 USB Ethernet adapter now usable. Began writing the asix driver. With that a D-Link Adpater and one Belklin FD055 would be usable. +Commits : [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​balajirrao/​gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=e6a379716f8cef2ea1c0361c8251cf981a4ab5b4|[USB] ​asix USB driver ​ready. Works only with DLink DUB E 100 but not with Belklin F5D055 gigabit adapter.]]
- +
-Commits : [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​balajirrao/​gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=98eb00c7faa70f1f1075a131892f645d32be18bb|[USB] ​pegasus ​driver ​completed. Works. Tested ​with QEMU.]]+
 === Tuesday, ​ July 1st === === Tuesday, ​ July 1st ===
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 Commits : [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​balajirrao/​gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=95fc0e466877c78cf7d4dc0f972e7063f2179d2e|[USB] Added asix driver. Only probe function written. MAC address read successfully.]] Commits : [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​balajirrao/​gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=95fc0e466877c78cf7d4dc0f972e7063f2179d2e|[USB] Added asix driver. Only probe function written. MAC address read successfully.]]
 +=== Monday, ​ June 30th ===
 +Completed the pegasus driver. Belklin FSD050 USB Ethernet adapter now usable. Began writing the asix driver. With that a D-Link Adpater and one Belklin FD055 would be usable.
 +Commits : [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=people/​balajirrao/​gpxe.git;​a=commit;​h=98eb00c7faa70f1f1075a131892f645d32be18bb|[USB] pegasus driver completed. Works. Tested with QEMU.]]


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