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sanboot:iscsi [2007/08/24 15:56]
mcb30 created
sanboot:iscsi [2008/03/29 16:36] (current)
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-====== Exporting disk images ​via iSCSI ======+====== Exporting disk image files via iSCSI ======
-===== Installing the iSCSI target software =====+{{ :​disk.jpeg?​240x186|A disk}}
-If you do not have dedicated ​iSCSI target ​hardware, you will need to install ​the iSCSI Enterprise Target Daemon (ietd).  ​If you are lucky, then your distro will already have packaged this for you; try installing a package called //​iscsitarget//​ or //​iscsi-target//​. ​ If this fails, you can download the source for the latest version from [[http://​sourceforge.net/​project/​showfiles.php?​group_id=108475&​package_id=117141]].+The procedure for exporting a disk image file depends upon the operating system that you are running **on your iSCSI target** (which may or may not be the same as the operating system contained within the disk image file).  ​Instructions ​are available ​for:
-===== Adding an iSCSI target image ===== +  * [[sanboot:iscsi_via_linux|iSCSI target ​running Linux]] 
- +  * [[sanboot:iscsi_via_opensolaris|iSCSI target ​running OpenSolaris]]
-To add a disk image file as an iSCSI target, you need to add the following two lines to ///​etc/​ietd.conf//​: +
- +
-    Target iqn.2007-08.name.dns.my:​image +
-        Lun 0 Path=/​path/​to/​image/​file.img,​Type=fileio +
- +
-where ///​path/​to/​image/​file.img//​ is the path to your disk image file, and //​name.dns.my//​ is your DNS name in reverse order. +
- +
-(For completeness,​ you should also replace //2007-08// with the year and month in which you first obtained your DNS domain. ​ The iSCSI naming schemes are somewhat pedantic, but it won't affect anything in practice; as long as the target ​name is unique then everything will work just fine.) +
- +
-Make a note of the iSCSI target IQN that you chose (//​iqn.2007-08.name.dns.my:​image//​ in the above example). ​ You are now ready to +
- +
-  * [[sanboot:iscsi_boot|Boot from your iSCSI target ​image]]+


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