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romburning [2009/08/10 21:50]
romburning [2010/08/28 14:30] (current)
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   * [[:​romburning:​intel|Most Intel adapters]]   * [[:​romburning:​intel|Most Intel adapters]]
   * [[:​romburning:​tg3|Broadcom 57xx based adapters (tg3)]]   * [[:​romburning:​tg3|Broadcom 57xx based adapters (tg3)]]
 +  * [[:​romburning:​3com|3COM 3C905 adapters]]
   * [[:​romburning:​qemu|QEMU option ROM]]   * [[:​romburning:​qemu|QEMU option ROM]]
   * [[:​romburning:​vbox|VirtualBox LAN boot ROM]]   * [[:​romburning:​vbox|VirtualBox LAN boot ROM]]
 +  * [[:​appnotes:​gpxeonvmware|VMware e1000 ROM]]
 It probably goes without saying, but you should not boot DOS over SAN from the NIC you're flashing in order to flash it! MEMDISK is safe, though. It probably goes without saying, but you should not boot DOS over SAN from the NIC you're flashing in order to flash it! MEMDISK is safe, though.


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