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romburning:intel [2009/08/07 05:18]
romburning:intel [2009/08/10 23:11] (current)
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 where //​bin/​8086107c.iba//​ is the renamed gPXE ROM image as created earlier. where //​bin/​8086107c.iba//​ is the renamed gPXE ROM image as created earlier.
-Run //​PROBOOT.exe//​. ​ This is a Windows application;​ if you don't have a Windows installation available then you should be able to run it under Linux using [[http://​www.winehq.org/|Wine]].  //​PROBOOT.exe//​ will extract several files to the directory //​C:​\Intel13.3//;​ the only file that you need is //​C:​\Intel13.3\IBAUtil.exe//​.+Run //​PROBOOT.exe//​. ​ This is a Windows application;​ if you don't have a Windows installation available then you should be able to extract the files embedded in it using [[http://​p7zip.sourceforge.net/​|p7zip]] or [[http://​www.cabextract.org.uk/|cabextract]].  //​PROBOOT.exe//​ will extract several files to the directory //​C:​\Intel13.3//;​ the only file that you need is //​C:​\Intel13.3\IBAUtil.exe//​.
 **NOTE:** Be sure to get the latest version of PROBOOT.exe. Tested with version 14.3, but older versions are unable to burn images > 64kB  **NOTE:** Be sure to get the latest version of PROBOOT.exe. Tested with version 14.3, but older versions are unable to burn images > 64kB 


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