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proxydhcp [2010/01/12 15:25]
kylek created
proxydhcp [2010/05/15 23:51] (current)
kylek An upgrade to ubuntu lucid screwed up my space heater collection
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-Simply put proxydhcp is using a separate dhcp from the regular dhcp server to hand out boot parameters. An existing dhcp server isn't modified. Very handy for setting up a PXE environment without access to the existing dhcp infrastructure. [[https://​help.ubuntu.com/​community/​UbuntuLTSP/​ProxyDHCP|Ubuntu community docs]] mention that dnsmasq 2.48 or newer supports being a proxydhcp server and that gpxe newer than may 2009 is also needed (gPXE version 0.9.8?). Those docs also mention that proprietary bootroms can also support proxydhcp, so [[pxechaining|chainloaders]] aren't left out.+Simply put proxydhcp is using a separate dhcp from the regular dhcp server to hand out boot parameters. An existing dhcp server isn't modified. Very handy for setting up a PXE environment without access to the existing dhcp infrastructure. [[https://​help.ubuntu.com/​community/​UbuntuLTSP/​ProxyDHCP|Ubuntu community docs]] mention that dnsmasq 2.48 or newer supports being a proxydhcp server and that gpxe newer than may 2009 is also needed (gPXE version 0.9.8?). Those docs also mention that proprietary bootroms can also support proxydhcp, so [[pxechaining|chainloaders]] aren't left out.  
 +Note: dnsmasq 0.52 and newer requires gpxe 1.0.0 or newer. Most likely standards related as Intel UNDI code didn't flinch between dnsmasq versions 0.51 and 0.52.
 ==== Further reading ==== ==== Further reading ====


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