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elf-ebi-initramfs-lnxi-howto:the_kernel [2009/04/29 06:35]
elf-ebi-initramfs-lnxi-howto:the_kernel [2009/05/01 08:48] (current)
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- The whole idea behind this kernel, is **supposed** to be small and mostly **modular**. ​ Remember, you are along for a learning ride, so until further notice, these kernel configs will lack any real modular taste and be anything but small. As time goes on, I plan to tweak until I have the other end of the spectrum, a really small setup.  Just STAY TUNED.\\+ The whole idea behind this kernel, is **supposed** to be small and mostly **modular**. ​ Remember, you are along for a learning ride, so until further notice, these kernel configs will lack any real modular taste and be anything but small. As time goes on, I plan to tweak until I have the other end of the spectrum, a really small setup.\\
 \\ \\
 [[elf-ebi-initramfs-lnxi-howto/​the_kernel/​.config]] This is my current kernel config for that **boots**.\\ [[elf-ebi-initramfs-lnxi-howto/​the_kernel/​.config]] This is my current kernel config for that **boots**.\\
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  There are some core changes that have to take place in order for a kernel to be able to boot over the network. ​ They are simple.\\  There are some core changes that have to take place in order for a kernel to be able to boot over the network. ​ They are simple.\\
 \\ \\
- This is one piece of software that <​del>​has</​del>​ should be placed somewhere other than the /scratch directory. ​ The reason for this is really simple, I want to remain as close to a standard as possible. ​ Not only for personal sanity, but the sanity of packages that are built etc.  It is extremely common for various build processes to look in /​usr/​src/​linux ( the linux dir is usually a symbolic link to /​usr/​src/​linux-x.x.x ) for kernel headers needed to build against. ​ It just common sense to make things easier, follow the standard.\\+ This is one piece of software that <​del>​has ​to be</​del>​ should be placed somewhere other than the /scratch directory. ​ The reason for this is really simple, I want to remain as close to a standard as possible. ​ Not only for personal sanity, but the sanity of packages that are built etc.  It is extremely common for various build processes to look in /​usr/​src/​linux ( the linux dir is usually a symbolic link to /​usr/​src/​linux-x.x.x ) for kernel headers needed to build against. ​ It just common sense to make things easier, follow the standard.\\
 \\ \\
 If it doesn'​t already exist, create /usr/src. ( mkdir /usr/src )\\ If it doesn'​t already exist, create /usr/src. ( mkdir /usr/src )\\
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 Untar your kernel image.\\ Untar your kernel image.\\
 If you download the tar.gz package. ( tar xvzf /​path-to-kernel-source.tar.gz )\\ If you download the tar.gz package. ( tar xvzf /​path-to-kernel-source.tar.gz )\\
-If you downloaded the tar.bz+If you downloaded the tar.bz2 package. ( tar xvjpf /​path-to-kernel-source.tar.bz2 )\\ 
 + You should see the source expand without error of any kind.  If there are any type of errors during the expansion phase, you should figure out what they are and eliminate them.\\ 
 + Once the expansion is complete, you will need to create a symbolic link to your new kernel source directory. ( ln -s /​usr/​src/​linux- /​usr/​src/​linux )\\ 


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