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download [2008/02/15 10:16]
download [2011/09/12 18:58] (current)
mdc [Source code (tarballs)]
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 ====== Download ====== ====== Download ======
-==== Download source code ====+==== Prebuilt binaries ​====
-Source code is now maintained in our git repository ​at [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=gpxe.git]].  You can check out a copy of the source tree using+Prebuilt gPXE images are available from [[http://​rom-o-matic.net/​]]. ​ Images can be generated from official gPXE releases or from the current development tree.  This is probably the easiest way to get started with gPXE. 
 +==== Source code (git) ==== 
 +You can browse the current development tree at [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=gpxe.git]], or check out a copy using:
   git clone git://​git.etherboot.org/​scm/​gpxe.git   git clone git://​git.etherboot.org/​scm/​gpxe.git
-orif you don't have git installed, download a tarball of the current development snapshot from [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=gpxe.git;​a=snapshot]].+To update your checked out copy at any timeuse:
-A complete build of gPXE requires the ''​syslinux''​ and ''​mtools''​ packages in your development environment. ''​syslinux''​ is required in order to create ISO images. On RedHat/​Fedora systems you can install the packages by saying:+  git pull
-  # yum install syslinux mtools+==== Source code (tarballs) ====
-Once you have the code, you can do complete build of gPXE using using+If you do not have ''​git''​ installed, you can download ​tarball of the current development snapshot ​of gPXE from [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=gpxe.git;​a=snapshot]] or, a tarball of the most recent official release from [[http://​etherboot.org/​rel/​gpxe/​]] or [[http://​kernel.org/​pub/​software/​utils/​boot/​gpxe/​]].
-  cd gpxe/src +==== Extensions in development (gpxe-staging) ====
-  make+
-This will generate bootable images ​for floppy disk, CD-ROM, ​and USB key, which is the best way to get started experimenting with gPXE.+A separate repository is kept for useful gPXE extensions ​and patches that have not been sufficiently tested and reviewed ​to be merged into gPXE mainline. See the [[staging|staging page]] if you'd like to help us test them.
-=== Updating source code ===+==== Building from Source ====
-To update ​your downloaded source tree at any time, use+A complete build of gPXE or Etherboot requires the ''​syslinux''​ and ''​mtools''​ packages in your development environment. ​ ''​syslinux''​ is required in order to create ISO images. On RedHat/​Fedora systems you can install these packages using:
-  ​git pull+  ​sudo yum install syslinux mtools
-This will fetch the latest changes and apply them to your tree.  This command will work only if you obtained your source tree using ''​git clone'';​ if you downloaded a tarball ​then the only way to update your tree is to download ​new tarball.+You can then do complete build of gPXE using: 
 +  cd gpxe/src 
 +  make
-=== Source code for old versions ===+**Centos 5 / Fedora 11 Notes**
-Should you want it, the source code for the old Etherboot-5.4 release is available from [[http://git.etherboot.org/?​p=etherboot.git]].+You may need to set the value in the line 59 of src/arch/i386/​Makefile correctly (/​usr/​share/​syslinux/​isolinux.bin), apparently the reference to /usr/​lib/​syslinux/​isolinux.bin is incorrect, this has not been tested in other distros. ISOLINUX_BIN config has been missing for a while.
-==== Download pre-built binaries ====+----
-You can get pre-built ROM images from [[http://​rom-o-matic.net/​]]. ​ At the moment, only Etherboot 5.4 ROMs are available; gPXE ROMs will be available shortly.+=== Etherboot 5.4 and older releases ===
 +Source code for Etherboot 5.4 (our legacy bootloader, in maintenance-only mode) is available at [[http://​git.etherboot.org/?​p=etherboot.git]].
 +The source code for older Etherboot releases is available from [[http://​sourceforge.net/​project/​showfiles.php?​group_id=4233&​package_id=4250]]


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