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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

=====Introduction===== gPXE is a new version of the well know Etherboot project.\\ The project created network booting code that allows computers to load their operating system from a network.\\ The code can be stored in a number of places, including BIOS Flash, EPROMs, floppy, CD, HD, or other bootable media. =====Required software===== Software used for this howto: *Ubuntu Linux 9.04 *gPXE 0.9.7: *SysLinux 3.75: *Internet Systems Consortium DHCP server V3.1.1 - *TFTP server from Linux NetKit - http://www.h =====Installation===== Run following commands to install TFTP and DHCP servers: # apt-get install tftpd # apt-get install dhcp3-server Download tarball of gPXE from\\ Extract it and compile # cd gpxe-0.9.7/src # make The file we need is called undionly.kpxe and you can find it in # gpxe-0.9.7/src/bin =====Configuration===== ====How to setup the DHCP server==== Edit the config file: /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf so it looks like this: allow booting; allow bootp; ddns-update-style none; log-facility local7; default-lease-time -1; max-lease-time 7200; authoritative; option space gpxe; option gpxe-encap-opts code 175 = encapsulate gpxe; option gpxe.bus-id code 177 = string; subnet netmask { use-host-decl-names on; range; option routers; option broadcast-address; option root-path ""; next-server; if not exists gpxe.bus-id { filename "gpxe/undionly.kpxe"; } else { # filename ""; filename "gpxe/menu.gpxe"; } server-name "lapdance"; server-identifier; } I will not be going into details here. This config file is using the "conventional TFTP" configuration with **/home/tftpboot** as it's relative root directory fetching all the files from there.\\ The subnet definition will hand out IPs for our clients from defined range.\\ PXE booting your client it will first download the gPXE binary which will "take over" from there and download it's own configuration file.\\ The **if not exists gpxe.bus-id** option is used to first hand out the undionly.kpxe file to PXE and then the menu.gpxe configuration file to gPXE. **Note**: Notice the filename ""; option. It allows you to fetch config from a HTTP server.\\ It can be a dymamically created config or a simple txt file as menu.gpxe but downloaded over HTTP.\\ For more info read ====How to setup the TFTP server==== The TFTP server will run as inetd service. Therefor we have to edit /etc/inetd.conf so it looks like this: tftp dgram udp wait nobody /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/in.tftpd /home/tftpboot ==== How to setup gPXE==== Create directory for our files: /home/tftpboot/gpxe And create there a text file called menu.gpxe looking as follows: #!gpxe chain menu.c32 menu.cfg This file is going to chain load menu.c32 and our menu config file. You can replace menu.c32 with vesamenu.c32 for a more fancy boot window. As mentioned above, to be able to create a boot menu for gPXE we will need either menu.c32 or vesamenu.c32 file which are distributed with SysLinux.\\ To obtain one of the files download tarball of SysLinux:\\ Unpack it and go to the menu directory: syslinux-3.75/com32/menu/ There you will find two files, menu.c32 and vesamenu.c32. The first one can be used to create simple CLI menus and the last one alows to create more "fancy" graphical menus.\\ The menu.c32 works well over serial cable and we will use it in this HowTo. Copy syslinux-3.75/com32/menu/menu.c32 and gpxe-0.9.7/src/bin/undionly.kpx to /home/tftpboot/gpxe Now create a config file for our boot menu and call it menu.cfg (still in /home/tftpboot/gpxe directory). It will look like this: PROMPT 0 ALLOWOPTIONS 0 MENU ROWS 6 MENU TITLE PLEASE CHOSE A SYSTEM TO BOOT LABEL - MENU LABEL NETBOOT MENU DISABLE LABEL SuSe MENU LABEL ^1 SUSE MENU INDENT 1 KERNEL vmlinuz-suse APPEND ro root=/dev/hda1 initrd=initrd-suse.img MENU SEPARATOR LABEL - MENU LABEL DEBIAN MENU DISABLE LABEL DEBIAN MENU LABEL ^1 DEBIAN MENU INDENT 1 KERNEL vmlinuz-debian APPEND ro root=/dev/hda1 initrd=initrd-debian.img LABEL UBUNTU MENU LABEL ^2 UBUNTU MENU INDENT 1 KERNEL vmlinuz-ubuntu APPEND ro root=/dev/hda1 initrd=initrd-ubuntu.img The options are described here:\\ How to create bootable Linux images is out of scope of this HowTo. ===== Starting services===== Now we need to start the TFTP and DHCP services To start the inetd server: # /etc/init.d/openbsd-inetd start The DHCP server: #/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start ===== Testing ===== Boot your computer using PXE network booting.\\ If all went you should be able to see message about DHCP address and then gPXE will get downloaded and show a menu on your screen. ===== Screenshots ===== And some screenshots. Loading of gPXE with VirtualBox : Initial boot with PXE/gPXE: {{:gpxe-initial.png|}} An example of gPXE menu: {{:gpxe-menu.png|}} =====Links=====\\ \\ \\ \\ That's all folks! \\ [[User:YazzY|YazzY]]


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